Forum Konsumentów

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About us

Who we are?

We are an independent organization, a strong, active and objective voice for consumers in the public debate. We want to engage in a constructive dialogue with policymakers, corporations and businesses caring for the welfare of consumers.

We do not deal with individual violations of consumer rights. Furthermore, we act on behalf of consumer groups.

Our goal:

The power of consumers!

Our goal is to unleash the strength and power of consumers – voting with their wallets, looking after their interests, freedom and rights. We are building a community of people who are not indifferent to consumer choices. We are also fighting for the highest standards in the battle for the consumer in the market.

The consumer's world is, on the one hand, a world of information overload, fake news and, consequently, disinformation. It is a loss of trust in the media and those in power.

On the other hand, it is a world with great opportunities for product and service development, a world of new technological challenges and dynamic changes. It's also a great need for dialogue, clear and reliable communication, transparency and effective leadership. It is a growing openness to new initiatives and activities aimed at jointly shaping the principles of the free market and setting the best standards in the fight for the consumer.

We want to reach out to consumers and look after their interests through dialogue with organizations and policymakers.